

24.04.2015 10:55

Obyvateľom preteká pohár trpezlivosti s trávnikom, kde sa strieda prach a v zápätí sa zosúva pôda po dažďoch. Už je to 1,5 roka výhovoriek prečo sa to nedá. Starosta Kusý len sľubuje a zamestnankyne úradu nezabránili ničeniu životného prostredia na súkromných pozemkoch aj ked na to boli viac krát upozornené.


10.04.2015 10:46

Navrhovaná výstavba v priestoroch VUZ pripraví obyvateľov sídliska "Teplická" o desiatky parkovacích miest. 


30.03.2015 16:29

O tento hodne využívaný priechod cez koľaje už čoskoro obyvatelia prídu, chystá sa jeho uzavretie. S požehnaním vedenia MČ si developer projektu Pri Mýte komfortne vyriešil prístup k svojmu projektu na úkor našich občanov. 


23.03.2015 16:13

Bola synonymom letných prázdnin a nedeľného relaxu. Dnes je miestom potulujúcich sa individuí s absenciou slušných ľudí. Stratila „Kuchajda“ svoje čaro nadobro? 


11.11.2014 16:52

Ak chladnička prestane chladiť v auguste a kotol vypovie poslušnosť v decembri, hovoríme tomu Murphyho zákon, ale keď začneme prerábať škôlku 28.augusta, hovoríme tomu nezodpovednosť. 

Ideme do Guinessovej knihy rekordov.

26.10.2014 10:37

Na začiatok pár čísiel z projektu „Revitalizácia parku Sadová“, celkový rozpočet bol „vysúťažený“ na 89.542,-€, termín dokončenia zo súťažných podmienok 17.08.2014, súčasťou je kontajnerové stojisko v realizačnej cene 23.000,-€. Áno, dobre čítate, 23.000,-€, teda 692.900,-Sk, za kontajnerové stojisko pre 8 kontajnerov.

Predvolebné stretnutie v DK Stromová

24.10.2014 14:55

 Včera 23.10.2014 o 15,00 hod mi prišla e-mailom informácia o predvolebnom sedení, ktoré sa konalo o 17,45 hod v DK Stromová. Nakoľko podľa zákon o voľbách do samospráv sa volebné obdobie ešte nezačalo, informáciu som si overila u sekretárky p. starostu. 



14.07.2014 19:56

Jozef Jonáš

Takýto bordel nám zostáva po každom výdaji stravy bezdomovcom na Račku. Jedna sa pritom o lokalitu kde sa každodenné hrajú naše deti…


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Celkový počet hlasov: 34

Diskusná téma: Odkazy

Dátum: 26.10.2023

Vložil: KennethBrack

Titulok: interesting news

very interesting, but nothing sensible

Dátum: 22.10.2023

Vložil: Thomasexato

Titulok: Thanks, +

Cool + for the post

Dátum: 15.09.2023

Vložil: RichardErecy

Titulok: Important Tools for the purpose of Hardwood Ground Mend

Lately, I stumbled across this amazing website and simply had to be thoroughly astounded by its rich and helpful information material. Each page appeared to give valuable intelligence, making it an amazing reference. I truly feel that my friends and relative will gain from the info here as well as I have. It's uncommon to find such comprehensive and meticulously curated written content in one place. I'll certainly be sharing this treasure of a platform. Totally recommend to everyone searching top-notch knowledge!

Why a Special Wooden Flooring Contractor is Your Top Choice when it comes to Set up and also Fix

Oh, that age-old debate: DIY or perhaps employ a professional pro? When to the wood floors – whether or not we're referring crafted or maybe traditional hardwood – it is not really even a single question. Employing an pro out of an specialized timber floor shop is actually one changer, and here's this is the reason.

Experience Talks A lot: You really would not hire a random pastry chef to simply repair your very own vehicle, would? Likewise, why really might hire someone without any specific wood flooring knowledge? These experts have really observed it - from most quirky designs towards the very difficult restoration jobs. Their experience guarantees your very own floors aren’t just done; they are indeed finished right.

The Right Equipment for your Task: Of course, your own useful uncle might may own an overloaded garage space filled up of various gadgets. However wood floor requires specific types of instruments to really ensure a very comfortable fit, an even evened out end, and also least wastage. Expert workers will always have such tools available, ensuring your own floors and surfaces look and feel perfectly done.

Time (and also Pressure) Benefits: Let’s face it for a moment; handling an timber floor surface project by yourself or perhaps together with an individual not familiar with the the details might be lengthy and tense. Mistakes could be expensive and also set you back by days or weeks or several weeks. A skilled pro will certainly possess a tried-and-true process that actually accelerates things up up without even cutting corners.

Warranty and Peacefulness of the Mind: Many niche hardwood floors shops provide assurances on their work done. This very implies if by chance something happens goes off incorrectly due setup, they will take care of the situation. If by chance your very next-door neighbor or even a random repairman does the work? Not at all quite indeed. That assurance is valued at its value in gold and silver (or in other words, in case, wooden).

Insights to into the Best Materials available: Pros can surely guide on the best materials for your home's very demands and also looks. They’re inside the tune with the trends, comprehend the very variance among various wood sorts, and assist you discover the most ideal match for your living style and also budget.

Steering clear of Pricey Blunders: An errant board, incorrect sealing technique, or even damage caused during the installation can possibly end up costing costing more in the long run in fixes or replacing. Specialists will avoid such errors, saving you both money and cash as well as disappointment.

Refinishing & Repair jobs: The skill of timber floor is not inside the install. Over a period of years, even the best of the floors out there will require some kind of care. A professional will know precisely how best to renew or fix your existing flooring to ensure appears brand new.

In conclusion, while indeed there is a allure in undertaking DIY tasks or contracting that generalist workman just to save a bit of a couple of dollars, some tasks demand expertise. Hardwood flooring setup, having its combination of functionality and of course visual appeal, definitely does belongs to that very category. Hiring a proficient professional from specialty hardwood flooring solutions store nearby ensures that for sure your precious spend on your very own residence's floorings is sound, appears absolutely gorgeous, and stands firm the very test through time. Your dear soles (and not to forget your self) will surely thank you indeed.

Dátum: 11.08.2023

Vložil: LizzieErymn

Titulok: In due time saneness of


Dátum: 06.08.2023

Vložil: knwlTqIEPn

Titulok: Отличный вариант для всех, просто пишите

Отличный вариант для всех, просто пишите 000***

Dátum: 03.08.2023

Vložil: BillieReola

Titulok: Solve puzzles

Invite friends to solve puzzles
Win NFTs and $500,000

Dátum: 23.07.2023

Vložil: qpxmbtrz

Titulok: Продажа танк-контейнеров по России и СНГ

ТАНКПЛЮС - Продажа ТАНК-контейнеров по России и СНГ

Dátum: 23.07.2023

Vložil: MarcusHeike

Titulok: Картер Масла Бриггс Страттон 450e

Dátum: 20.07.2023

Vložil: MarcusHeike

Titulok: Запчасти К Газонокосилке Stiga

Dátum: 19.07.2023

Vložil: GladysBab

Titulok: Deal


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